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my new year's intentions

h a p p y n e w y e a r s !

My first blog post of 2021. In one month, my blog will be a year old. I certainly haven't gone very far! But to say the least, I'm ok with that. I didn't start this with the intent to get popular, because let's get real for a second: who actually reads blogs nowadays? The answer is very few people. But like I said, I didn't start this so I could get noticed, I started this for me. This is for me to create, and for me to share. I'm so grateful for my small, endearing audience. If you've subscribed, I want to thank you for caring enough about what I have to say. You make my heart so happy! With that being said, I want to share my New Year's Intentions.

n e w y e a r ' s i n t e n t i o n s .

I saw someone use the word "intentions" rather than "resolutions", and I love it. I will be using the phrase "new years intentions" from now on. Intentions offer a sense of freedom... you can set goals for yourself, and not be tightly bound to them. It's comforting to know that you won't feel like a failure if you don't keep your intentions. Things don't always turn out the way we plan, and I see so many poor souls beat themselves up over things they cannot control (myself included). "Don't make promises you can't keep" they say. That's why I refrain from using the term "resolutions". Intentions are softer, and more forgiving. You might say that I fear commitment, but I say that I fear failure.

So what are my New Year's Intentions?

I've never been one to make big goals for myself... let's keep it realistic I say. At the same time, it's good to challenge yourself every once in a while. So I've come up with a small, yet honest list of intentions for the new year.

My first intention is to write more. Like I said, this blog is almost a year old, and I have five posts. I want to post more consistently, and grow my audience. What I intend to write about, I have no idea. Inspiration will hit.

Secondly, I want to pursue growth. I want to grow my photography business. I want to grow in my relationship with Jesus Christ. I want to grow into the woman I was created to be. I want GROWTH. We move forward in life, and I want to spend less time looking back at things I can no longer change.

Thirdly, I want to spend less time in my head. I build up worlds of impossibilities, and I set expectations that I nor anyone else could ever meet. I basically dream my realities away. I am my biggest let-down, and I want to change that this year. I intend on setting real goals and taking real steps to achieve them, rather than wishing.

My fourth intention is to pursue freedom. I want to let go of my grudges, and be free of insecurities. Letting go is so hard, but the thought of being free is so beautiful. To put it simply, I want to be freely, and unapologetically me. And I want to let go of the things of this world, and allow the Lord Jesus to mold my life into His hands. I believe that that is the only real way to achieve freedom. I don't want to be held down by the weights of this world any longer.

My fifth and last intention, is to pursue health: mentally, physically, and spiritually. 2020 was the year that I noticed an improvement in my health, and 2021 is the year I perfect it and gain control. It'd be real nice if I could lose another 25-30 lbs this year, and I'm working to make that happen. As for the mental health, I'm learning to be content with what I've been given. I usually detest everything about myself, but I'm learning to be thankful for the beautifully designed body my Heavenly Father has given me. And spiritually, I intend on making my prayer life more deliberate and purposeful. As I like to say, a radically changed life requires a radically changed heart.

a n d s o c o n c l u d e s m y i n t e n t i o n s . . .

on dec 31 2021, I will reevaluate my intentions, and hopefully my report will be a positive one.

happy New Years everyone!

— emma k —


© 2021 by emma k

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