I believe everyone has something to say: a contribution to society manifested in words, legacys, and everything in between. Not everyone realizes the simple fact that they too, can make a difference, and they are the ones who morph into the mass we call the common society. What they fail to understand, is that it comes down to the natural simplicity of words spoken, and ideas acted upon.
I created this blog because I felt like I had something to say. But upon being asked the hard question, “Emma, what could you possibly have to say to the world, that you think would change it?” I was stunned, because really: what do I have to say? And I’ve come to the conclusion, that I don’t. I have nothing to prove; nothing to say that might pierce the hearts of the masses. But I can hope that someone will walk away entertained by my thoughts. I have nothing to offer except my honest and open self.
So, my dear readers, now comes the moment in which I reveal the purpose for this post. As any striving artist, I wanted a platform where I could share my work with anyone willing to lend an ear, while experimenting and growing my talents as a writer. And what is this work that I speak of? If you read my About Me section in my profile, you would find that my interests include reading, writing, and drawing; all that I will attempt to include in this blog. In other words, art. Anything you create is art. The way I press flowers in a book, is art. The moments I capture with my camera, is art. My poetry (yes, embarrassed as I am to admit, I write poems) is considered art. The best part is, you can either love it or dislike it; but the point is, it’s your creation, for you and by you. Love it or not, it’s yours.
I have not come to write about ‘my beautifully messy life’, or to use this platform as my diary; I promised myself I would spare everyone from that. This is purely for my own enjoyment. In fact, while I spent my time deciding on what this blog is not going to be, I forgot to consider what the blog would be. I now have a vague idea of what I want, but please don’t expect any organization or a set theme from me. For now, you will have to grace me with your patience as I figure this out.
I will leave you with this: the scariest part of something new is the getting started. My dad shared that with me some time ago, and I haven’t forgotten it. We can’t possibly know what the next step is, if we haven’t even taken the first. Stepping out of our comfort zones is the only true way of getting things done, which is still something God has been teaching me.
My dearest readers, thank you for taking a minute and forty seconds of your time (which by now it has probably come to two full minutes) to read what is officially the first of many posts of my new blog. God bless ♥
— emma k —